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Google for School

Google for School Online

Google services can be utilized with the NU Library to maximize your efficiency with academic research; join this session to learn the benefits of connecting Google Scholar to the NU Library, Google Datasets, Google Sites, Google Advanced Search, and more. 

Attendees will learn how to connect Google Scholar to the NU Library to see full-text article access in the NU Library when possible, maximize research skills using Google Scholar's "Cited by," "Related Articles," and "Author Profiles," as well as set up Alerts, conduct a search for datasets within Google Datasets, and use regular Google to locate scholarly reports, statistics, and government websites. The session will be based on this guide.

Taught by Jamie Diermier (Reference & Instruction Librarian), who has taught Google For School" since 2021. 

All sessions are recorded and provided to the attendee via email. 

Register below to get a reminder 1 hour before the session. Or, just click this link to attend: https://nu.zoom.us/j/93501676139


Related LibGuide: Google for School by Amanda Bezet

Tuesday, November 11, 2025 Show more dates
2:00pm - 2:45pm
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  Doctoral Students     Graduate Students     Undergraduate Students  
  Advanced Library Research      Software & Apps  

Registration is required. There are 50 seats available.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Jamie Diermier
Jamie Diermier

I specialize in graduate research in the areas of psychology/counseling, law, education, and business. I'm a librarian and have an MA in counseling (MFT) degree from JFK School of Psychology. I'm liaison librarian for JFKSOPSS and COLPS.